Q: How do I create a Live game?
A: Follow these steps to create a Live game:

  1. Log into your 99math account, and select Start Now on the main view.
  2. On the left side, select a grade level or Math Facts skill category.
  3. Choose a specific skill to practice from the center list.
  4. Adjust game settings on the right side, where you can choose the number of rounds and time per round.
  5. (Optional) Select Custom Game below the grade options if you want more control over specific skills.
  6. Click Play Live to start. You’ll see the game code and lobby, where students can join by entering the code

You're all set!

Q: Where can I find the game code?

A: The game code appears in the game lobby after you create a game. Share the code with students, who can enter it at the top of their screen. For younger students (Grades 1 and 2), there’s also a QR code option they can scan to join.

Q: What’s the maximum number of students that can join a Live game?

A: There is no maximum number of students for a Live game. As long as you have a good internet connection, an unlimited number of players can join. Note that a minimum of 3 players is required to start the game.

Q: How do I set a goal for home practice?

A: To set a class goal for home practice:

  1. Select Home Practice and follow the steps provided to set up at-home access.
  2. Choose the class from the dropdown list.
  3. In Step 1, you’ll find options to print login information or email access instructions to parents.
  4. In Step 2, set a class goal by choosing the total number of minutes each student should aim to complete at home each weekly. You can select from preset options or customize the time to fit your class’s needs.
  5. After setting the goal, return to your Dashboard to monitor student progress and check how close they are to meeting the class goal.

Q: How do I create an Individual Practice assignment?

A: To assign practice for individual students:

  1. Go to Home Practice from the left menu.
  2. Click Create Assignment.
  3. Choose a grade level or Math Facts skill and add specific skills by selecting Add.
  4. Set a deadline for the assignment (it will remain visible for two weeks if no deadline is set)
  5. Click Assign to generate a game link, or share directly via Google Classroom. Students will see the assignment in their accounts if assigned to their class, or can join using the game code. To see the game code, click on Show to students

Q: What if students can’t see their assignment right away?

A: If students can’t find an assignment in their account:

  • Have them refresh the page.

  • Assignments can also be found in their Settings if they close the initial pop-up notification.

Q: How can my students change their avatar?

A: Students can change their avatar by either:

  • Selecting a new one when they join a Live game.

  • Logging in and clicking on the avatar in the lower-left corner of their main page, or by visiting the shop.

Students can also buy custom avatars items with Mbucks earned from playing at home.